A UK prepping site researching, discussing and planning for the world this may become when the lights go out, chaos reigns.... and the fires burn.

Category Prepping

Using Mylar Bags For Long Term Food Storage

Food ranks highly in anyone’s prepping activities and while I have rotating food stocks, I wanted to look at some longer term storage for raw ingredients as a further backstop should the SHTF.  I decided to try some Mylar bags… Continue Reading →

Butt What About Water? Your Renewable Water Resource

I am planning a more general post about water preps shortly but as this project was just completed, I thought I’d post about it now…… I was recently looking to add a water butt to my garden but then I… Continue Reading →

Prepping UK: The Perils of Choosing the Wrong Bug-Out Location

A recent thread on the UK Preppers forum highlighted the perils of choosing a poor location for your bug out location (BOL). This a particular issue here in the UK when compared to the USA as I mentioned in my… Continue Reading →

How Does UK Prepping Compare to Prepping in the USA?

When people think of prepping, they automatically think of the USA. This is because there has long been a culture of prepping there, more so in some states than others. It has been the subject of most of the media… Continue Reading →

Information Prepping: Know Your Local Area

Information Prepping is just as important as equipment and supplies prepping. An important part of this information is that in a SHTF situation, whether you are bugging in or bugging out, it is vital that you know your local area. … Continue Reading →

Handy Prepping Item: Hozelock Porta Shower

A shower is something we all take for granted and I can see a number of scenarios where that luxury wouldn’t be available.  With that in mind, I’ve just added a Hozelock 4-in-1 PortaShower to my prepping gear.  It’s a… Continue Reading →

How to Make 5 Emergency Candles

A quick video showing how to make 5 emergency candles out of household items (cheese wax, butter candle, tuna can oil burner, wax crayon, orange and olive oil burner).

Handy EDC Item: Nitecore Tube USB Rechargable Torch

I have been looking for a small keyring torch to go on my car/house keys.  I’ve tried the cheap and cheerful ‘squeeze’ type ones powered by a small coin battery but they are only usable to a very limited brightness… Continue Reading →

Small Car Preps Kit

I wanted to put a basic preps kit in my wife’s car, which being only small (a Citroen DS3) doesn’t have a great usable boot space to begin with without leaving a holdall or rucksack in there permanently.  That combined… Continue Reading →

Time and Tide Wait For No Man

I have been experiencing an enforced lull in my prepping activities, on both the research and practical fronts.  Work pressure and planning a significant home development have both pushed my prepping to the back burner.  This is not something I… Continue Reading →

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